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MORT vs. MES Investigator Training -
Check the differences:

MORT Based AI Training

AI Training
System-safety basis dominated by logic-tree orientation
System safety base, enhanced with broader MULTILINEAR events sequencing technologies incorporating but not driven by logic tree techniques
Work with generalized case studies, use student solutions, replicability not monitored
Uses tailored case studies with school solutions, disciplined feedback to students; replicability monitored
Witness interview lectures, student workshops
Role-playing witness interview demonstrations simulate wide range of witness types, behaviors, problems; data acquisition procedures; and how to overcome problems
Present selected investigation tools, consisting of techniques 10 or more years old
Present advanced investigation system, showing how MORT and additional tools are integrated to produce outputs that can be validated with QC procedures.
Instructor guidance based on slides and lecture notes
ISD-based course needs and knowledge, skill objectives, with testing against those objectives possible.

Instructor guides state block learning objectives, in accordance with ISD principles.

Abstract QC procedures, ambiguous criteria for judging completeness, validity of accident description.
Rigorous QC criteria and testing procedures covering completeness, relevance and validity of accident description and explanation, requires identification of uncertainties.
Numerous undefined terms
Universal building blocks and all other terms concretely defined for investigation guidance and QC purposes
Utilizes words and expressions that play to differences in opinions, uncertainties
Minimizes use of opinions, emphasizes demonstrable logic and logic links
Course modules updated infrequently
Using computerized course modules, content is updated after every course, based on student performance, student feedback
Uses MORT chart, root cause analysis to define problems
Provides event-pairing process to systematize problem discovery and definition procedures. "Programmer" tracking procedures identify systemic influences on accidents.
Use judgments of needs and priority problem lists
Uses problem definition procedures based on logic, safety principles; uses risk assessment procedures to rank problems;
Safety recommendation development process relies on MORT chart, student experience and good judgment to apply it.
Recommendation development process defined. Uses rigorous safety action option and recommendation development procedures; risk-ranked option effectiveness evaluations; recommendation selection procedures and guidance.
Subjective recommendation QC criteria
Provides concrete QC criteria for recommendation evaluation, such as safety strategy identification, Control Rating Codes, trade-off worksheets, poison words lists, ladder of abstraction guidance, etc.
Use MORT chart framework to determine if investigation was complete
Uses logic testing procedures to determine completeness of accident description and explanation, and of the investigation itself.

The MORT course developers have made numerous contributions to investigation technology. Events Analysis, Inc. has combined these contributions with the results of its own research and its experience with (1) the application of these concepts and processes in actual investigations, and (2) its experience in teaching investigation courses to a wide range of audiences over a period of 20 years.

A more detailed point-by-point analysis of the differences can be provided upon request.

Rev 4/27/92 LB