Change Management Support

© 2004 by Starline Software Ltd.
Prepare for implementation.

After the changes have been decided, Investigation Catalyst can help assure that the changes actually implemented or installed are as advertised, whether for a system being modified or a replacement system

The Matrix describing the modified process clearly identifies the intended changes, by actor name, action and sequence, thus providing a form of check list for supervisors responsible for their implementation. This can help them prepare work orders or task orders or other form of implementing instruction, depending on the procedures used.

While other methods such as Gannt or PERT charts are often used for project management, they can be supplemented by the Matrix to define the actors

Track implementation.

During the implementation of planned changes, the Matrix can be used by supervisors or quality assurance personnel to track what is actually done, and document - and if needed - analyze any unexpected experiences during implementation of the changes.

The Matrix is particularly valuable during the system startup, where the interactions can be observed with the changes in place. Any surprises can be noted on the Matrix as they are observed.

At the conclusion of the implementation project the Matrix provides an as-built description of the newly changed system operation that can be used for purposes such as training new hires in the system operation, for example. See next tutorial.

The useful way to practice these skills is to take a matrix for an existing operation and compare the observed behaviors with the Matrix, making notes or comments on a laptop copy of the Matrix, for example.

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